Missouri Shorthorn breeder and leader in helping form the American Shorthorn Record.
1839-1916 | Artist: Robert Wadsworth Grafton (1876-1936)
Impact & Accomplishments
Born on Ravenswood Farm, Cooper County, Missouri, and educated at the University of Missouri, Charles Leonard continued to build the Shorthorn herd that his father had established, with cattle from George Renick of Kentucky.
Leonard’s greatest achievement as a breeder was the production of the dam of Americus, an animal that sold in Argentina for $38,000 in gold in 1908.
Leonard helped form and finance the American Shorthorn Record. From 1882 to 1906, he was a director of the American Shorthorn Breeders’ Association and its president from 1898 to 1902. Later in life, he was president of Central National Bank.
Did You Know?
LAVENDER VISCOUNT 124755 Born: March 16, 1896 Bred by S.F. Lockridge, Greencastle, IN, Owned & shown by C.E. Leonard, Ravenswood Farm, Bunceton, Cooper County, MO
Winner of Grand Sweepstakes Over All Ages at the Kansas City National Show in 1900 & 1901 when he was commended for “his marvelous thickness and smoothness” and Champion at the International in 1901. In the discussion of his winning at Chicago in 1901 it was stated,” few bulls of such wealth of flesh have stepped into our show yards.”